I need advice for the joeuser family. I'll start with a little background I am just out of (7mounths) a 30 year bad marriage. In those years I didn't work did get some college but never used it. I have no house to live in. I have three loving family homes that I can stay in. I am on SSI and get $425. a month and $90. a month in food stamps. My ex. is to give me $100. a month witch I will never see a dime or very little of that. That leaves with me not an of money to rent an apartment, pay utilities, and buy med. I could apply to live in a transition house and get job training. I could go back and live with my parents. I am just not sure what to do. Everyone around me has ideals I just want ideals from people who are not personally involved as to what my opposition could be. I really want to be on my own with my own place to live. I don't know I maybe to old to start over. I am 49 years old. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this and answer.