Published on May 8, 2008 By lostintexas In Life Journals

I need advice for the joeuser family. I'll start with a little background I am just out of (7mounths) a 30 year bad marriage. In those years I didn't work did get some college but never used it. I have no house to live in. I have three loving family homes that I can stay in. I am on SSI and get $425. a month and $90. a month in food stamps. My ex. is to give me $100. a month witch I will never see a dime or very little of that. That leaves with me not an of money to rent an apartment, pay utilities, and buy med. I could apply to live in a transition house and get job training. I could go back and live with my parents. I am just not sure what to do. Everyone around me has ideals I just want ideals from people who are not personally involved as to what my opposition could be. I really want to be on my own with my own place to live. I don't know  I maybe to old to start over. I am 49 years old. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this and answer.

on May 08, 2008
I'm not qualified to give any advice, but I will say you're not too old. Go slow, breath deep, and don't be proud about taking help wherever you can get it until you're up on your feet. You can do anything you put your mind to - now you just have to decide what that is and how you're going to go about it!

Best wishes.

on May 08, 2008

How many meds do you take? If you just take them to take them, cut back. Try generics. WalMart has a $4/month plan in some areas.