Published on December 13, 2005 By lostintexas In Religion
Who or what do YOU say Jesus is?
on Dec 13, 2005
I believe Jesus was a real man, or maybe even a combination of men, that actually truly walked the earth. He/they were in the right places at the right time and preached a general message of love as well as other edicts that the human race needed at the time to live in harmony.
on Dec 13, 2005

I think Jesus (Yeshua) was a radical and a semi-rebel. 

And, like LW, he's cool w/me....and is one of the many paths to god.

on Dec 13, 2005
Jesus was a man who was born, lived and died to fulfill a few purposes. He came to experience life so that, like all of us, he could gain the experiences only possible with a physical body of flesh and bones. Like the all of us, He was here to feel pain, suffering, loss, hardship; love, friendship, and beauty... and betrayal (among all the other things that come with flesh and bone). Like the rest of us, He was here to overcome the weaknesses of the flesh. Unlike the rest of us... He succeeded.

He was also here to fulfill the law of Moses, ushering in a higher law and teach us what we need to know to be more like Him.

He was here to take the sins of the world upon himself, so that all who accept his atonement can be made clean of the sins we commit.

Having lived a life on this earth, and suffering more than anyone else ever had, or will, He became uniquely qualified to judge us. Because of this, there is no one left with any excuses. No one can look upon Him at the judgement day and say anything like, "You just don't understand what life was like!"

To me, the most amazing part of what He did was, on the cross, when he was dying, He said, "My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me". In the end, he had to do it as just a man. While He was born and lived part man and part God... He had to die, just a man, alone.
on Dec 13, 2005

He said, "My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me".

That is the most moving part of the whole passion play.

on Dec 13, 2005
Thank you all for your comments! All though all different they help me have diffent view of what I already beleave.