There once was a caterpillar who was so scared of the world around her and of the changes to come she made the largest, tightest, and hardest cocoon she could manage. She found a male caterpillar that would help her to build this cocoon where she thought the world could never get to her. As they build this cocoon she saw that the male caterpillar want to have her for his own and not share her loveliness with the world. As she started to change he would make the cocoon tighter and stronger and make her think the world around her won't think she was as lovely as he did. One day the caterpillar realized that she was no longer a big ugly caterpillar but she was indeed a big bright butterfly. The male caterpillar could no longer keep her in the cocoon he had built for her. She began pushing on the walls of the cocoon. Slowly the walls started cracking and soon there was a hole big an of for the butterfly to see the world around it. As the butterfly looked around she found that the world was looking back at her. The world didn't see the butterfly as a big ugly caterpillar but only saw the bright lovely colors that showed on her wings as began to flap them. The big lovely butterfly flapped her wings one more time really hard and the cocoon fall to the ground. She was now free to let the world see what a bright lovely butterfly she had become.