lostintexas's Articles In Life Journals
November 18, 2005 by lostintexas
We all have heard or used this little sayings at one time or another. 1. Sticks and stone may brake your bones but words will never hurt you. That is just half true sticks and stone may brake your bones. But words can do more damage to a person for a longer time than it takes for a bone to heal. 2. What I am saying shouldn't hurt its just the truth. Well sometime you can use just the truth to beat someone up in a way that a lie could never do. 3. It's not gossip when it is true. Yes ...
January 18, 2008 by lostintexas
There once was a caterpillar who was so scared of the world around her and of the changes to come she made the largest, tightest, and hardest cocoon she could manage. She found a male caterpillar that would help her to build this cocoon where she thought the world could never get to her. As they build this cocoon she saw that the male caterpillar want to have her for his own and not share her loveliness with the world. As she started to change he would make the cocoon tighter and stronger and...
May 8, 2008 by lostintexas
I need advice for the joeuser family. I'll start with a little background I am just out of (7mounths) a 30 year bad marriage. In those years I didn't work did get some college but never used it. I have no house to live in. I have three loving family homes that I can stay in. I am on SSI and get $425. a month and $90. a month in food stamps. My ex. is to give me $100. a month witch I will never see a dime or very little of that. That leaves with me not an of money to rent an apartment, pay utili...